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Civil & Structural Engineering

GEC is unique in having an in-house staff of civil and structural engineering professionals with a wide range of experience and expertise that can handle any type of civil engineering design or construction project. GEC engineers and planners can complete any size project from planning through design and construction.

Civil & Structural Engineering firm

Transportation engineers have completed large and complex highway and bridge projects involving transportation planning, traffic engineering and design including: line and grade studies, traffic studies, design of traffic signals, interstate highways, local streets, bridges for major river crossings, and highway overpass bridges. Structural engineers have also designed:

Marine dock and dockside facilities; residential, public and commercial buildings; floodwalls and other flood control structures.

GEC’s civil engineers are proficient in planning and designing site improvements such as sewer lines and treatment plants, access roads and streets, parking, drainage, and site grading. They can also provide environmental and hazardous site assessment and assist the client in obtaining permits. Included on the staff are highly experienced hydraulic engineers capable of analyzing and designing wastewater treatment and conveyance systems for new or existing development.

GEC is unique in being able to provide all of these services with a highly experienced in-house staff of professional engineers, planners, environmental specialists, and CADD technicians.