GEC’s environmental professionals have performed numerous ecosystem restoration projects for federal, state, municipal, and private-sector clients. Projects have included Feasibility Studies, General Reevaluation Reports, Dredged Materials Management Plans, Limited Reevaluation Reports, Mitigation Banking Instruments and Plans, and Mitigation Plans. Utilizing the resources of a knowledgeable, multi-disciplinary staff, GEC’s engineers, chemists, geologists, biologists, ecologists, scientists, foresters, economists, and planners provide innovative and cost-effective ecosystem restoration solutions.
- Biological Investigations
- Construction Management
- Cost Effectiveness and Incremental Cost Analysis
- Economic Evaluation
- HTRW Phases I and II
- Hydraulic and Hydrologic Modeling
- Low Impact Designs
- MCACES and Crystal Ball
- Mitigation Banking
- Natural Stream Design
- NEPA Compliances
- Non-Point Pollution Reduction Designs
- Planning and Plan Formulation
- Public Scoping Meetings
- Trade Off Analysis
- Watershed Evaluations
- Amite River Diversion Canal Restoration
- University Lake Ecosystem Restoration
- Vegetative Techniques for Non-Point Source Reduction
- Calcasieu River and Pass, Dredged Materials Management Plan
- Sand Key Beach Nourishment
- South Florida Everglades Restoration
- Ecosystem Restoration Report for Chicopit Bay