Sherri LeBas, Senior Vice President of Project Management is a well-known figure in the engineering and transportation industry, with over 24 years working for the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (LA DOTD) and six years at the Division of Administration. Ms. LeBas served, most recently as Secretary of the LA DOTD, where she was responsible for the administration of the Department’s operation and capital programs and emergency response for the State’s transportation infrastructure. This included an annual budget of $1.7 billion and over 4,200 employees. In addition, she has received numerous awards and was inducted into the Louisiana State University Civil and Environmental Engineering Hall of Distinction in 2011 and is a recent recipient of the Louisiana Engineering Society (L.E.S.) Charles M. Kerr Award for Public Relations. She was selected for the 2017 Women Transportation Seminar (WTS) Woman of the Year Award. The Baton Rouge Business Report named Ms. LeBas as one of Baton Rouge’s 2018 “Influential Women in Business”.
As Senior Vice President, Ms. LeBas is responsible for pursuing, negotiating and overseeing transportation projects within this multi-disciplinary engineering firm which includes Coastal, Engineering, Economics, Environmental, GIS, Infrastructure, Water Resources, Aviation, Program Management, and Transportation.
She continues to discover and explore opportunities, screening and analyzing market strategies, as well as contacting potential partners. In addition, working with internal staff to develop proposals tailored to client needs and showcase GEC’s project approach, team expertise and past project experience.